Back from NAMM 2011

WOW. I had a blast. Got to hang out with some old friends and made some new ones too. For some reason, I spent a lot of time looking at stuf but not really taking many pics. I did upload a few to my flickr site (you can see the pics in the sidebar) and I uploaded a great set of videos from Stanton Moore demoing his new LP pandeiro and a “steam powered” drumset from Trick. Those are up at my YouTube site. Take a look and let me know what you think!

(Oh yeah, and I got to meet one of my favorite drummers of all time, Abe Laboriel Jr. He was the coolest guy and totally worth waiting in line to talk to!)

Only One Day Away!!!!

Wow – 24 hours till I leave and I still have so much to do; packing alone will probably take all day.

I think the first day will be slightly overwhelming but I will have my earplugs and a plan of action for visiting all the people and vendors in some sensible way.

(who am I kidding? I’m gonna wander around with a permagrin like a kid in the worlds biggest candy store!)

See you there!

NAMM Show!

NAMM show 2011

I am extremely excited to be going to the 2011 NAMM show this coming year in Anaheim. I am probably going to be completely overwhelmed by all the gear and meeting/catching up with all my drumigos (drummer pals) from around the country but I am going to try and post things as they happen. Lots of pics and short posts and then maybe a few bigger recaps.

Thanks so much to my friends at Taye drums and Sabian cymbals for their help in making this trip possible.

(only 29 days until the show woo hoo!)